• Consumers pay California Redemption Value (CRV) when they purchase beverages from a retailer, and receive CRV refunds when they redeem the containers at a recycling center. Most beverages packaged in aluminum, glass, plastic and bi-metal containers are eligible for CRV. Notable exceptions are milk, wine and distilled spirits, which are not included in the CRV program. At the time this was written, CRV is 5 cents for each beverage container less than 24 ounces and 10 cents for each container 24 ounces or greater.
  • For each 10 pounds of aluminum recycled, you get rid of 37 pounds of carbon emissions from the air.
  • Glass bottles take 1 million years to decompose.
  • Plastic bottles linger in landfills about 700 years.
  • Aluminum cans break down in 80-100 years.
  • When we recycle, we eliminate the need to manufacture new products from raw materials, which helps in reducing energy use and lessening carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses in the air.
  • In 2009 California sold almost 22 billion California Refund Value (CRV) eligible containers, and 17 billion were recycled! But about 4 billion nobody claimed the CRV on them which equals about $100 million worth redemption, and an enormous amount of containers in our landfills.
  • Within every 20 seconds or so 50,000 more 12-ounce aluminum cans are made. Let’s recycle them!
  • If you laid all the aluminum cans recycled in 2010 end to end, they could circle the earth 169 times!
  • Used aluminum cans are recycled and back on the shelf as new cans in as few as 60 days.
  • In 2009, almost 30 million tons of plastics were generated in the United States, and only around 2 million tons were recovered


All plastic containers must be separated by type of polymer. Use the following list to discover, or we can do it for you.
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